Anna El-Khashem. Keval Shah
What's Blooming There?

Anna El-Khashem already announced in kindergarten that she wanted to be an opera singer. And then she really did make a brilliant start to her career: At the age of 17, she entered the St. Petersburg Conservatory, and three years later she became a member of the opera studio of the Bavarian State Opera. In 2018 she won the International Mozart Competition in Salzburg. She recently made her debut at the Salzburg Festival as Zerlina in Romeo Castellucci's new production of "Don Giovanni". In her first Heidelberg appearance, Anna El-Khashem will perform a colorful bouquet of romantic flower songs in the first part and art songs from her Russian homeland in the second.

Anna El-Khashem


Keval Shah


Franz Schubert
Frühlingslied D.398
Nähe des Geliebten D.162
Im Frühling D.882

Clara Schumann
Die stille Lotosblume Op.13/6

Robert Schumann
Du bist wie eine Blume Op.25/24
Schneeglöckchen Op.79/26
Mondnacht Op.39/5
Frühlingsnacht Op.39/12

Richard Strauss
Die erwachte Rose TrV90
Weißer Jasmin Op.31/3
Des Dichters Abendgang Op.47/2
Das Rosenband Op.36/1
Die Georgine Op.10/4
Geduld Op.10/5
Allerseelen Op.10/8

Nikolai Andrejewitsch Rimski-Korsakow
“The lark‘s song is ringing louder…“ Op.43/1
“It was not the wind, blowing from the heights…“ Op.43/2

Pjotr Iljitsch Tschaikowski
“It was in early spring…” Op.38/2
Serenade Op.65/1

Sergei Wassiljewitsch Rachmaninow
A Dream Op.8/5
The Water Lily Op.8/1
The Little Island Op.14/2
The Lilacs Op.21/5
Twilight Op.21/3
Night is mournful Op.26/12
The Migrant Wind Op.34/4
Daisies Op.38/3
Dreams Op.38/5